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Comments on Rory Gallagher [reply]
I remember the concert when Rory was held up in Belfast, I think, and was really late arriving, around 10.30 I think. But true to form, Rory played into the wee small hours and we all missed our buses home. Unforgettable!!! [reply]
Brian, or anyone, can you remember what year this was?  Someone suggested 1979 but there's no listing on the site and I have no ticket stub for that year and, while I don't remember him being late, I do remember 1980 being an extra long gig, Rory never short changed us but that night I kept saying this must be the last song but he just kept playing and playing, stupendous.  I saw him every year from 1976, and while I'd been to a few concerts by then Rory was something else altogether, there was no one to touch him - then or now! [reply]
All I remember was that it was one of his Christmas gigs but I think it was before 1979. I'm pretty sure the year I'm talking about was around 1974 and definetely at Christmas 'cos I remember the lights were on at George's Square whilst we were waiting on a lift back to Coatbridge. We'd missed all the last buses etc.
Rory was the man !!
Your memory is correct. I was there aged 14 with 2 school pals. Tannoy announcement at 9pm that Rory was still in Belfast but would be there asap. I lived in East Kilbride so expected to miss him as last bus was around 10.30/10.45pm. As I was walking out I met my older brother and his pals. He had come in his car and had room for me. No scruples, I abandoned my pals and never regreted it. Rory, as you say, played a storming 3/3.5 hour gig. I still keep in touch with those pals to this day, so no hard feeling on their part. (Although I think I played down how good the gig was!!) [reply]
Saw him on the Jinx tour in 82, and met him outside the stage door beforehand. A real down to earth guy, no ego, no star trip, just a really nice guy, interested in his fans and his music. Much missed.... [reply]
Don't know why I waited for so long but this was the first time I'd been to the Apollo to see him. Curtains opend and it was the nost basic stage set I've ever seen - no backdrop, a couple of Vox AC30's and a drum kit. What a gig though - no frills or snazzy stage clothes - jeans and a checked shirt. Superb guitarist sadly missed. [reply]
by the time i saw mr.gallagher at the apollo i had seen a lot of gigs with BIG stage shows, not on this night. the only thing that stood out was mr.gallagher's guitar work fast driveing blues,he and his band were very tight. we had stall seats an never sat down once as did every one else in the apollo that night. this was the blues at it's very,very BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [reply]
If you're all still interested in Rory's music, there's a fantastic 4 day tribute festival every year in Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal. It takes place every year and is usually on the first weekend in June. I'm going back this year - its a blast with some great musicians and free gigs with bands from all over Europe.
Visit www.goingtomyhometown*xx* for more info.
Great site guys about the greatest venue I have ever been at - APOLLO !!!! Keep up the good work
remember seeing the Amazing Mr.Gallagher on 2 march 1973 support was Greenslade(they didnt have a guitarist)A banner above the stage saying "its good its guiness"with guiness scored out and GALLAGHER put in instead.Classic set included tracks from the Blueprint album too!High point of the night was when Gerry McAvoy told us it was Rory's birthday and already on our feet we sang happy bithday to him!That Famous Choir never sounded better and the mesure of the man is how humble he was genuinally touched by our affection for him!1 of the few real gentlemen in the business he is so sadly missed. [reply]
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