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And then he walked along the edge of the Circle

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Comments on SAHB [reply]
The christmas show in 1975 must surely rank as the best gig I ever went to at the Apollo.  Pure magic from start to finish.

Good to see the band gigging again (with Alex of course - r.i.p. wee man!) and still cutting it.
The "with" in the above post should of course read "without".....doh! [reply]
October 1974
Alex Harvey had been a local hero for years before SAHB. A photobook of The Gorbals in the 1950s contained a photo of Alex playing in a skiffle group in the back courts.No great surprise, then, that his first headlining Apollo gig with SAHB was a sell out ( he had previously supported Slade &,I think, Mott the Hoople).
The concert was brilliant from start to finish, the band were on great form - especially guitarist, Zal, & Alex was a bit less 'Vaudeville' than he became later. I still think that the early songs from'Framed' & 'Next' were Alex's finest.
Good to hear that the rest of the band are still gigging.
I had never heard of him a pal said 'you will like them'so off i went,boy was i impressed or wit,a fan ever since fantastic. [reply]
your dating of the gig 26th may 1974 makes it look like SAHB were supporting slade when in fact this was their 1st Headlining gig at the Apollo.The Impossible Dream had just been released(i think)and they were starting to put some awesome shows together this was a killer in front of a home crowd.....try and get your facts right eh? [reply]
This was the one and only time I saw the SAHB.  People had told me so many things about them and I wasn't disappointed.  The costumes and the patter were as interesting as the music.  We were all just waiting to see what would happen next.  A great night out. ASR [reply]
I remember Alex walking out on stage, before the band came on... wearing a smoking jacket (is that what they are called)and also wearing a monocle in his eye, and a fag in one of those long holders..He started talking all posh..and we wondered who the hell is this guy....then the band came on..he took off his jacket and monocle, and just blew us away...great night..and MOTT rocked that night too.
I saw S.A.H.B. several times [twice at the Apollo] and great concerts they were.
Haven't seen it mentioned here that the first concert they ever played was as support to Stone The Crows at 'Clouds' upstairs.

At that gig most folks were there to see Stone The Crows play their first live gig following the death of lead guitarist Leslie Harvey and I could sense straight away that the crowd were in no mood to sit through a support band, no matter who they were.

On taking my seat I was disappointed to see a kit of drums on stage with 'Tear Gas' thereon. I'd seen Tear Gas before and, to be honest, the least said about them, the better. [Their album 'Piggy Go Getter' was also guff.]

The lights dimmed and a wee guy holding a bottle containing some sort of alcohol staggered on stage. Cue boos and shouts of "Get aff".
The band played about 4 numbers before things really started going downhill. A hail of bottles and cans reached the stage [and I'm almost certain Alex Harvey threw one back], before the band walked off.

At this point Maggie Bell came on stage and asked the crowd to welcome Alex Harvey as the brother of her recently departed boyfriend, Leslie. It was obvious that the vast majority of the crowd hadn't been aware of who he was because their mood changed and the band came back on to a great ovation.

Alex sauntered on, apparently unaffected by the previous reception, waved the rest of his band onstage and shouted "This next song's a Tango" [Next.]

Had it not been for Maggie Bell that night, I'm sure S.A.H.B. would've been aborted before they ever saw the light of day.

As it was, they went on to become one of the most entertaining groups I ever saw in concert.
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